This long story was told to me by my maternal grand-father. It was a brothel at one point. When they moved in, it had been turned into a spacious house available for rental/tenancy. As it's based on a TRUE STORY, names and locations have been changed to protect the people involved. Enjoy, this horrible experience... THE BROTHEL HAUNTED HOUSE 18TH CENTURY ONCE THERE WAS a beautiful building that was the envy and prestige of the street it stood on… It had been built by Thomas Muir and once completed, the keys were handed to the newly created Inn Keeper Ian Witcomb. THE YEAR WAS 1794 , Ian and his family had arrived four years earlier on the Ty Jacobs, the transport ship had left Portsmouth for the new world. Along with many others who had chosen to emigrate away from Olde Blighty. FIRST OF OCTOBER saw the beginning of business for Ian. Acquiring staff was easy-peasy and his two sons had ran around the villages and spread the word that the Inn was now opened for travelle...